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Stock Jeep seats don’t work for everyone, but Fixed Front Seat Jackers® fix that. By lifting the front of your seat by 1.25 inches, they provide better leg support, improved posture, and reduced lower back strain—all without impacting headroom.
Choosing the Right Fit for you:
✔️Inseam 36" to 38"? Go with these Fixed Front Seat Jackers®, which provide a 1.25 inch lift.
✔️Inseam 28" to 34"? Opt for the Shorty Seat Jackers® for a subtle but effective lift.
✔️Over 6'-2" and need serious space? Check out our Seat Slammers®, but be warned - they require some modification.
✔️Want a little extra height? Rear Seat Jackers® lift the back end, perfect for shorter drivers or those who prefer a more commanding seating position.
✔️Our optional Contoured MMP will bolt directly to Seat Jackers® and provides a great place to mount tools and emergency equipment.
Any modifications to your vehicle are done at your own risk.
So far,… they seem to alleviate some of the problems that Jeep fails to recognize. Headed to Arizona/Utah in June. This will be the second trip for me driving this Gladiator, 5th trip in a Jeep vehicle,All caused left leg fatigue, but the Gladiator really is in need of a bracket design change!
I installed the seat jackers on my 2023 Gladiator and it made a huge difference. My legs, feet and back are in a much better position. They even made it so my rear end is more comfortable. If you don’t have them then you should get them. You can not go wrong.
I am 6’1” with a 32” inseam. The improvement in the seating position is phenomenal. This review would be 5 star if I hadn’t had issues with the installation. With the seat tipped back, I had mounted the blocks to the floor, but was unable to get the bolts started to mount the seat to the blocks. Upon removing the blocks for inspection, I found powder coating in the threads (mistake on my part for not test threading the bolts before mounting the blocks.) Other than this manufacturing glitch, everything went in as engineered. I highly recommend Seat Jackers.
Installed them on the drivers side and the lean was too great for me. Maybe I should have gotten the shorties. It got to I was unable to feel comfortable and I wound up uninstalling them.
Fast shipping, EASY to install, going to order more