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The hidden price of counterfeit products

by on March 22, 2024
The hidden price of counterfeit products

In this era of e-commerce and online buying, convenience has led to a rise in counterfeit products which isn’t just damaging to the buyers but also innovators and manufacturers of original products.

Many original designs are ripped off from product manufacturers and are made with substandard materials that don’t last. This adversely affects original businesses and punches a gaping hole in their profits as customers buy the cheaper knock-offs. This also impacts American ingenuity and innovation as creators feel unrewarded for their effort and dedication to making lives better.

Counterfeit products also make it more difficult for customers to trust brands. A bad experience with a ripped-off design can let customers leave scathing reviews under original product advertisements. Which hurts brand trust. The National Crime Prevention Council exists to raise awareness about the dangers of counterfeit goods and other merchandise.

This is why it is important to buy original products and support small businesses. 

You can also narrow your support to local businesses in the United States. All our products, made in the country, are manufactured under strict guidelines and tested rigorously before being approved for use. 

At Desert Does It, we believe that consumers place real value in American innovation, engineering, and manufacturing.  That they want first-class customer service, with teams based here in the US.  That it matters when small and local businesses support each other, and it's worth a little more to keep the US economy strong. 

We aim to support the quality of life of our buyers. We also know that significant change can be made in the fight against counterfeit products when you shop from legitimate businesses and manufacturers.

We are always grateful for your support!

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Lifetime Guarantee Lifetime warranty on all products
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30 Day Returns Simply return within 30 days for a refund